Thursday, June 25, 2009

what's new with the Shocks

I have gotten
so many people telling me that I need to update my blog, so here you go everyone. Riley and I have been so busy with playing hard, working and going to school. We love to play, so this is a major part of our life. We love the water so we like to go boating, floating the river and just go old playing in a pool. We go to Moab at least once a year, sometimes more when we are lucky. We go during my spring break to go rock climbing and hiking. Our favorite places to go is Wall street ( big Climbing wall), arches and fiery furnace. I'll just let the pictures show you what we like to do.....


Adam and Julie H. said...

Yeah! It's about time. It was good to see you tell Riley hello from us. :)

Blake and Jenn said...

yay! A new post emma jo! Looks like you guys are keeping busy...having fun! When are you in town?